Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Leaving Vilseck

Many of you have started asking us about leaving Vilseck. We were sent here for a two-year assignment (which has gone very well!) and our time is almost at an end. We arrived in May of 2005, and we expect to leave here sometime in the spring of 2007. As the time gets closer we will have more information on an exact date.

We do know where we will be for the next two years. We are headed east again, back to Korea. The three of us have been lucky enough to grab one of the few accompanied spots to the Yongsan base in Seoul, South Korea.

Honestly we had hoped that we would head back to the East Coast for a year or two, but that was our long shot hope. We all realized that it was much more likely that we would be sent somewhere else for at least a year before Wendall could be sent to the school in Virginia. A few months ago Wendall informed his commanders that he was open to almost any position as long as we could stay together as a family. Our only desire in our Army adventure is that we be able to spend as much time together as possible. Above all, we were both willing to make sacrifices if it meant that he did not have to deploy.

So we got lucky. For a variety of reasons the military tries very hard to send soldiers to Korea for one year without their families. Korea was mentioned as a one-year assignment, which would have been without us. By requesting a two-year assignment we will all be able to head for the Republic of Korea.

We are very excited about this new mission. We have no details yet, and will fill everyone in when we can. All we know now is that you will need passports, but no visas for a visit less than 30 days. Because we will be living in the city we will almost definitely be in a two-bedroom apartment, so anyone who thinks they are staying longer than 30 days had better think again! We do want people to visit, though, and from what I’ve seen we might be lucky enough to find a three-bedroom apartment.

Other things we know for sure:

1. Wendall and I really enjoyed Korea in 2000. The only thing we did not like was that we were apart.
1a. We have always said that we would like to go back for an accompanied tour. I would like to be there for longer than two months!
2. The cats can come, we just have to figure out how.
3. We will get to ship one car. Odds are that it will be the Passat.
3a. The cars in Korea are almost as cute as the Smart Car. Not quite, but close.
3b. I’ve seen the drivers in Korea, and I’ve also seen the top rate public transportation. I plan on not driving while we are there unless there are no other options.
4. We will not be able to bring most of what we own. What we are not able to bring will be stored for us at the Army’s expense.
4a. Seoul has an amazing amount of shopping. We are bound to leave with some wonderful souvenirs.
4b. Nothing could be as wonderful as the souvenir I brought home the first time.
5. The thing we have missed most here in Germany is Asian food. Problem solved!

We are just at the beginning of the planning process. The next few months will be filled with sorting, packing, and gathering information. We will do our best to keep everyone involved and informed.

To summarize:
We leave in approximately 7 months. The entire family will move to Seoul, South Korea. We will live there for 1-2 years. We can bring one car, but only 3000 pounds of "stuff". We are very happy, excited, and anxious by this move. We hope you visit. If you want to see us in Germany, get going!

Monday, November 27, 2006

We are home

And Wendall has been cleared to drive and to do other things. Yay! He's walking around without sunglasses and having a great time looking at things.

Friday, November 24, 2006

How we "celebrated" Black Friday

We told the boy about Santa AND the Tooth Fairy.

I feel better. I have started to loathe the holiday season. As he gets older I like it less and less, based on his reaction to the events of the season. It isn't even a "bah humbug" reaction. I enjoy many aspects of the holidays, just not the gimmies that seem to go with them.

So why the Amazon button over there?---------->

So that no one uses it. Really. Wendall has everything he could want or need. I keep a wish list for him and for me so that I can keep track of things that I might someday want to purchace. I do not have the luxury of wandering aimlessly through bookstores with any sort of selection, and Amazon is kind enough to ship to an APO box (and many of their "marketplace" vendors do as well!), so a good deal of our money is spent at Amazon. The wish list is there for my own use, as a reminder of things that look interesting. That's all.

Beyond all else, he has tastes that are even more specific than mine. He is a collector, so he really likes to be able to pick things for himself. He will appreciate any toy that he is given and he will be thankful that the gift is from YOU, but he really only plays with toys he picks himself. This includes toys I buy for him. Unless he has a hand in picking it out, his interest level is not terribly high.

So ignore it. Please. If you want to send Wendall a gift that he will treasure, send him a picture of you, or even a postcard. We all miss the connections we have with friends and family. His walls are covered with artwork and mementos. He would love to be able to start his very own "family wall" of photos. A book pulled from your shelf, a photo of your dog, or a letter describing your day is a much better gift than any configuration of metal and plastic that you might buy.

In the next few days I will move the button down, probably making it just a link. I hoestly had no idea how big it would be until it was already there, but I have not had time to rearrange.

Thanks for reading my small rant. I don't want to upset anyone, and I don't want to stir things up. The boy was not upset when we discussed Santa and other "magical ideas". He has promised not to discuss it with other kids. Our beliefs are our own, and I would not want him to create a fuss in class by getting his classmates upset. I'm just very tired of not telling the truth about this and about other things. I think that he will have a better appreciation of the season, and of people's beliefs because he has this information.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

We wanted to wish everyone a happy day. We plan on a simple meal at the Dining Hall on base, followed by an even simpler supper at home.

Your card is HERE

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sunset in Vilseck

Catching some air

Megaplay, of course. Most of their time was spent on the trampolines. Can you blame them? Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006

PRK pt 2

Wendall is back from the hospital and is doing well. His eyes hurt a bit, but he was able to see and to read. He just needs to get through the next few days. Percocet and eyedrops will help.

I'll keep everyone posted.

Construction Area

I'm reworking the look of the blog. Small things, but since Blogger was kind enough to upgrade I figured I would do the same.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


We are heading out today. Tomorrow Wendall will have surgery on his eyes which will make glasses a thing of the past.

PRK information is here: PRK

So we will be back in a few days. Have a great day!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ed Bradley

Ed Bradley died on Thursday. He was a solid reporter and one of my favorite faces on tv. I won't repeat all of the wonderful things that are being said about him. I'll just say that his interviews on 60 Minutes were the ones I enjoyed most. There was something so simple, so easy about the way he moved a conversation along. He also had an amazing sense of style, and I truly apprieciated watching him.

Sad to see him go.



Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I realized that I had not posted a photo for Halloween. This is Wendall and Daniel at the beginning of their evening.

I picked Daniel up at his house, and we spent two precious hours (on base) running from one door to the next. Halloween is just staring to be popular in Germany, so being on base was the best chance of candy instead of strange looks.

On the way to trick or treating, Daniel said "I am a Spinne (spider) and you are a Soldat (soldier)." Daniel lives in a bilingual home, so he often mixes English and German together. It makes it so much easier to talk to Wendall! This time Wendall had trouble with the translation. He replied "No, I am a soldier!" Daniel insisted that he was a Soldat. This went back and forth for a few minutes until I cold stop laughing long enough to tell Wendall that he was indeed a Soldat.

Wendall and Daniel are a strange pair. They get along very well, until they don't. They bicker constantly, and Daniel's mother has started comparing them to the old guys in the balcony on The Muppet Show. I can really only agree! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 06, 2006

MegaPlay Sunday

We spent Sunday at an indoor playground

We needed some crazy time away from the outside world.

We have this feeling that Winter is right around the corner!

(This was Friday evening....)

 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006