Monday, September 22, 2008

So proud of my boy

This weekend was all about the boy. It was about us as well, but really the boy was the main focus.

Friday night we watched Speed Racer. We saw this in the theater when it came out, and the boy mentioned wanting to see it a few hundred times. Astonishingly enough, Wendall and I both agreed that we would like to see it again and again and again as well. The story and writing are not-so-good, but the visual aspects of this movie are truly amazing. It is animation brought to life in the most wonderful way, and I am thinking seriously about owning this in Blu-ray.

On Saturday we went ice skating and then watched Igor. OK, the boy watched the movie and we took a nap. This is not a movie that anyone needs to see in a theater. It was a good reminder to us that movies are expensive, and we need to be more selective. Three years of no choice but cheap prices has us programmed to run to the theater without thinking. We will get better, but it is taking a while (and a bunch of really bad movies).

After the movie we went shopping, and the boy picked out his latest LEGO set. We told him that he would have to build it all on his own, as Wendall had to study and LEGOs make me scream. I promised that I would stay in the room with him and I would help when I could, but we both know that I am restricted to a three minute window when it comes to LEGO, so he was really on his own.

He picked this set which has 333 pieces. And he put every piece together on his own. I was called in to help tighten things and to realign a few sections, but he did the rest of it. Three hours of steady concentration, no tantrums, and a perfect finished product. I'm super duper impressed by my boy.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

We had a great weekend with our friend Ann and her kids. The weather reports had been awful, but when we woke on Saturday the skies had cleared so we canceled all of our plans and ran for the lake. How wonderful to have such a perfect spot just a few minutes from home.

Sunday morning we woke, ran to the lake once more, and then they went home. We are all hoping that they will come back soon!

The only bad spot in the weekend was Ann's discovery of a dead doe in our backyard. Te man who came to get her said he was pretty sure she had been poisoned because she was young and looked very healthy, and there were no injuries. Our community is in the middle of a huge fight over the deer population and how to manage the numbers. This is not the answer! I can only hope that it was accidental.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Picture by TargetCat

DSCF0141, originally uploaded by TargetCat.

We visited the folks at a show a few weeks ago, and the boy managed to take this wonderful photo while we were there. I am so happy that he took this picture!