Saturday, November 20, 2004

A mixed up sort of day

I just finished sending Wendall a nasty email. The situation in Iraq is starting to really upset me (I have been upset for quite a long time, but as it increases, so does my agitation.) and I just lashed out a bit. Sorry, Hon. I meant what I said, but I could have said it better. He's working on his reply, so I am prepared to be blasted back.

In other, much more pleasant news, the boy did something truly wonderful today.

On our way to the car, he stopped to pick up a penny on the ground. He held it in his hand until I released him from his seat in the parking lot of Wal Mart. I asked him about the penny, and he told me that he had found it, but that it was not for him. He announced that it was for someone inside the store.

"You can put it in your pocket to keep it safe." I said, but he replied that it was not his, so he had to keep it in his hand.

We went into the store, and he remained focused on his task, looking at everyone we passed to see if they might be "the one". We even stopped in the bathroom (I held the coin for him) and then went back to the search.

Finally, in the housewear section, he proclaimed "It's her!", and he pointed to a woman coming towards us. She paused for a moment, and the boy looked up at her and said "This is your coin. I found it, and it's for you!" The woman held out her hand, and he gave her the coin. I explained that he had been looking for someone to hand the coin to, and I hoped she would accept it. She smiled, and said she would be happy to take the coin. "I got it in the street!" he said, proud of himself. "Thank you."said the woman, to which he replied "You're welcome!" I thanked the grinning woman, and we went on our way.

I love my boy.

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