Daddy's home, and he stopped at Starbucks! We love Daddy!
Why is it important that he stopped at Starbucks, you ask? Because of this amazing drink:
In a completely unfair, below the belt move, this drink is not sold in Hawaii. The only place it exists here is in the Starbucks on the wrong side of security at the airport. Apparently, Hawaii is a part of Starbucks' international market. Chantico is not being sold in the international stores, because, get ready for it, the foreign markets DON'T LIKE CHOCOLATE!
The drink was delicious. I'm off to the Starbucks website to write a formal complaint.
If we nag them, they will come.
If we nag them, they will come.
See, that's my thought, too. I actually emailed AND called. No new info, of course. If I do this every few weeks, it's sure to work, right?
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