Tomorrow morning the boy begins attending a German preschool. He will be taught in German and English, and will have a mix of kids. We are looking forward to this big step. Today we went school shopping, so he now has shoes, raingear, and other goodies to start him off right.
I am sooooo jealous! I have always wanted for my guys to go to German school. Actually these days anything other than the deal that I am getting here in the US seem better.
The price is insane. 65 Euro (about 80 dollars) for Monday to Friday 8-4. Lunch is only 2 Euro per day, or he can bring his own.
Unfortunately, because it is only preschool, he won't learn too terribly much, but his teacher promises me that he will have an understanding of German, and that he will meet many German children. This is the only year that he will be able to attend, so I am really happy he managed to get a space (they only take 50 kids a year).
Now I just have to figure out what to do with myself!
i think you should have your american friends come and visit you to keep you busy.
I concur. Any volunteers?
The spare room isn't set up just yet, but as the flight is at least 6 hours, I will have time before your arrival!
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