Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Storming the Castle

The boy goes back to school tomorrow. YAY (That's from all of us!) Today he felt just fine, but was not allowed back in school. So we played hookie. He even managed to get me outside with swords and shields, which is when this conversation occurred.

"I am King Wendall, and I come to see your Prince!"
"He's not home--go away!"
"Let me in or I shall attack!"
"Oh yeah, well take that! And that! And now I'm going to attack your castle, just to be mean!"
"HA HA! I shall fight you!"

....Much fighting with swords....

me:"Hey! Did you just cut off my leg?"
boy:"Yes...but you are trying to attack my castle. I'm protecting my family."
"I don't care about your family! They are free to go. I just want the castle, you have a great view!"
"Stay away from my castle! It has my snowglobes!"
O.o "Ohhh, I like snowglobes. Hey! Did you just cut off my other leg?"
"YES! And now I am going to dance in YOUR castle!"


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