Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cleaned up and ready to go

Kitty has had her bath. We are packed and ready to head out for an exciting weekend. We are off to Munich for a few days of Fasching fun. No idea what we will see or what we will do, but I know it will be fun. We are taking the boy's costume just in case, but I have a feeling it won't be worn until Monday, when we will head for an actual party.

We will be sorry to miss the parade this year, though. We all had a great time last year.

The boy and I had a discussion about leaving Germany. He says that he wishes we could stay here forever, but also live in Hawaii and Korea and the States. It is conversations like this which show me what a lucky life we lead, but also remind me of what a lonely life we have. It can be very diffiacult to balance the two.

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