Thursday, March 01, 2007

The wisdom of a five year old child

A few weeks ago I went on a wander with Wendall's class. While we walked, I spent some time talking with his classmates. One little boy really wanted my attention, so I just let him ramble. This is what he told me:

"My family has a bunch of money. My dad told me that. And wen you have a bunch of money you can go to the dentist and he will put a CROWN on your tooth! And I have one!"

Tonight we were in the middle of dinner wen Wendall looked down at his plate:

"Mama? In Germany we call french fries pommes, but it's a french word. Volcanos have it, too, but it's not french."

"Wait, what do volcanos have?"

"Pumice! It's rocks, not french fries."

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