As most of you know, it is time for our family to leave Germany. We are moving in waves, and the first wave has rolled into Honolulu. Wendall will spend two nights in Hawaii and will land in Seoul, South Korea, on Sunday morning. The cats will go next, flying on their own. In mid July the boy and I will say goodbye to Germany as well, and we will arrive in Seoul in late July, after also spending a few days in Hawaii.
I've always wanted the chance to live in Europe, and I am so thankful to have had this time. Even better was the ability to share the experience with my two favorite people. I couldn't ask for better travel partners, and we have taken full advantage of our location. We have visited countless towns in six countries, shot thousands of photos, dined in castles and at roadside stands, and had an amazing run of adventures. We saw Europe the way we wanted to, and have some wonderful stories to tell.
But Asia awaits, and so off we fly.....
Wendall has no cell phone until next week, when he finds something in Korea. He does have his laptop with him and he will check email when he can. His skype is up and running, so if you see him online, say hi.
I'll be spending the next few weeks running around like a crazy person, Boy Wendall at my side. He has finished the school year and is now officially a First Grader. He is very excited about this, as are we.
The best way to keep track of us is through our various websites. I will list them out for everyone who might want an update. (my blog, lots of pictures) (my other blog, not as many pictures) (my pictures) (Wendall's pictures) (the boy's pictures)
Also, feel free to pass this info along if you think someone might have missed getting this. It's been a long week, and I know I will have missed a few people.
That's about it. If you will be in Hawaii in mid July, please let me know.
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