Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt, originally uploaded by Zanla.


The boy is looking dapper in his 도복 dobok (uniform) and his brand new yellow ti (belt). It was a wonderful surprise, but showed his dedication. He attends a one hour Taekwondo class five days a week, and is really enjoying himself. Look at the smile on his face!

Thanks to Wendall for getting such a great shot of the boy.


Anonymous said...

Does he do martial arts through school?

allysther said...

Nope. We found a great school just a few blocks away from our apartment. They have classes all day long, so we have some wiggle room in our schedule, and there is at least one bilingual student in every class. Plus the boy is pretty good at following along.

The best thing, though, is that he now waves to kids in the neighborhood. He might not be friends with any of them, but he is really happy to see them.