Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tethered to the Sky

Tethered to the Sky
Originally uploaded by allysther.

The boy is on Summer Break. He begins kindergarden in September, but until then we are spending our time hanging out, running errands, and going on field trips. Yesterday's field trip was to the zoo in Nuremberg. We had a great time and came home tired and sweaty.

My boy is growing, and I adore him. It was great to see him at the zoo. He asked sensible quiestions about the animals and did not shy away during the vulture's feeding time. We attended a dolphin show and he wanted to know more. We will look for a book on dolphins at the library this afternoon.

I look forward to seeing him in school. We work on letters, numbers, and simple concepts at home, and he enjoys the process. His curiosity grows with everything he does, and I am so happy to be a part of his life.

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