Tuesday, October 30, 2007

After School Snack

After School Snack, originally uploaded by allysther.

The boy and I pass this vendor on our way home from school. He sells waffles and a red bean filled pancake shaped like a fish. I've seen him in the afternoon with no customers, but yesterday was a nice day, and he was swamped with kids and their parents. He was falling behind on production as we left

Friday, October 26, 2007

Song from music class

The boy told us that they sing this song in his music class. It even has hand movements.

Oh I’ve got a home in Glory Land
That outshines the sun
Oh I’ve got a home in Glory Land
That outshines the sun
Oh I’ve got a home in Glory Land
That outshines the sun
Way beyond the blue

Here's the problem. I googled the song (because alarm bells were ringing in my head) and found the rest of the lyrics. Here's the part that Eva Cassidy had in her version:

Oh do Lord, oh do Lord
Oh do you remember me?
Oh do Lord, oh do Lord
Oh do you remember me?
Oh do Lord, oh do Lord
Oh do you remember me?
Way beyond the blue

And here's the part that is included in the full version of this traditional folk (gospel) song:

I took Jesus as my savior, You take Him, too.
I took Jesus as my savior, You take Him, too.
I took Jesus as my savior, You take Him, too.
Look a way beyond the blue

Eva Cassidy's version is titled "Way Beyond the Blue", and is on the "Time After Time" album. The traditional version is called "Do Lord", and I found it on quite a few Christian albums and on a Johnny Cash album.

So...can I be done? Can I run away from this awful place? Is he too young for me to turn and fight this school?

I was good. I did not get upset when he sang the song for us. I did have him repeat it to be sure I was hearing him correctly. He says that they sing it at the beginning of every music class (once a week). The moment I heard the phrase "glory land" I knew it was a gospel song. I actually really like gospel music. I just don't think it has a place in a public school.

Any advice?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Who is Coming?

Who is coming?
Who is coming?, originally uploaded by allysther.

The photo is a page from a story that the boy brought home as homework. It is possible that this might just be the thing I've liked best about his school so far.

I think the school photo thing was made ok. I talked to the photographer who took my check and promised to find the session. It should be fine.

I also stopped by the desk at the school library. The boy asked me to ask about a certain book which he thought he might like to read. He was not sure if he was allowed to check it out. I asked the librarian and was told that he would be encouraged to leave it for another student as it was beyond his reading level. First graders are only allowed one book at a time and the book should be at their reading level, because "why would they bring home a book that they could not read?" I replied "Because their parents could read it for them!"

The library did not open at all until late September, and until it was open the kids were not allowed to touch any of the books. It looks like most of the library is off limits to a large portion of the kids, and the boy is disappointed. So am I.

This week is the anti-drug week at school, which means it was the perfect time for the elder Wendall's latest project to be delivered. He is going to try his hand at home brewing. After sitting through a lecture from his son he will set up his Mr Beer kit in the spare room. It should be fun, and will be a good alternative to spending $10 for a German beer downtown.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

School Issues

I still don't like the boy's teacher. I just don't think she is a good teacher, and I'm starting to wonder if she is a good person to be around young kids. Let me be specific about this. I do not think she is a bad person. Not dangerous or harmful in any way, just ill suited to her job. I could never be a first grade teacher, and I know it. I am too set in my ways, would want the kids to behave in ways that six year old children find difficult, and would really really just want to have a few moments to myself. I think she is the same.

Friday was popcorn day. The entire school was invited to purchase popcorn at 50 cents a bag. The sale was a fund raiser for the Parent Teacher Organization and it was run by the parent of one of her students. She told her students that they were not allowed to purchase popcorn. She did not want them to be distracted by the thought of popcorn in their bags. Most teachers have a rule in place where students must wait until they are at home before they are allowed to eat their popcorn. Instead, her students went home with no popcorn, but just as much distraction. It was the first thing the boy told me when I asked him about his day.

Today was picture day. Will any of you get pictures? I don't know. I sent the boy with money, but she did not collect the money from the students. She did not even ask about the money. Tomorrow I will walk to the school, find the photographer, and ask if it is still possible to order the prints. The form clearly states that no money on the day of the photo = no prints, but I will stay hopeful. But what kind of first grade teacher allows her students to go to the school photographer without at least reminding them that they should bring the money?

There are other issues. I will leave them for now. These are the two which are upsetting me today. Parent teacher meetings are in three weeks. I dread dealing with her, but I am very interested in what she has to say about the boy. In our eyes he is making great progress. I hope she sees it the same way.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ancient Chinese Warrior

Ancient Chinese Warrior, originally uploaded by allysther.

Click on the photo for the whole story.

TargetCat and I spent a wonderful morning excavating this ancient Chinese warrior. He now stands proudly on the boy's dresser, and is one of his favorite things ever.

A huge thank you goes out to the clever Auntie who sent this to us.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Hooters concert, 3 October 1987

Hooters concert, 1987, originally uploaded by allysther.

Twenty years go fast, don't they?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt, originally uploaded by Zanla.


The boy is looking dapper in his 도복 dobok (uniform) and his brand new yellow ti (belt). It was a wonderful surprise, but showed his dedication. He attends a one hour Taekwondo class five days a week, and is really enjoying himself. Look at the smile on his face!

Thanks to Wendall for getting such a great shot of the boy.