Wednesday, October 17, 2007

School Issues

I still don't like the boy's teacher. I just don't think she is a good teacher, and I'm starting to wonder if she is a good person to be around young kids. Let me be specific about this. I do not think she is a bad person. Not dangerous or harmful in any way, just ill suited to her job. I could never be a first grade teacher, and I know it. I am too set in my ways, would want the kids to behave in ways that six year old children find difficult, and would really really just want to have a few moments to myself. I think she is the same.

Friday was popcorn day. The entire school was invited to purchase popcorn at 50 cents a bag. The sale was a fund raiser for the Parent Teacher Organization and it was run by the parent of one of her students. She told her students that they were not allowed to purchase popcorn. She did not want them to be distracted by the thought of popcorn in their bags. Most teachers have a rule in place where students must wait until they are at home before they are allowed to eat their popcorn. Instead, her students went home with no popcorn, but just as much distraction. It was the first thing the boy told me when I asked him about his day.

Today was picture day. Will any of you get pictures? I don't know. I sent the boy with money, but she did not collect the money from the students. She did not even ask about the money. Tomorrow I will walk to the school, find the photographer, and ask if it is still possible to order the prints. The form clearly states that no money on the day of the photo = no prints, but I will stay hopeful. But what kind of first grade teacher allows her students to go to the school photographer without at least reminding them that they should bring the money?

There are other issues. I will leave them for now. These are the two which are upsetting me today. Parent teacher meetings are in three weeks. I dread dealing with her, but I am very interested in what she has to say about the boy. In our eyes he is making great progress. I hope she sees it the same way.


Anonymous said...

Wow! The worst to me is that you said she has been teaching there a long time, so she is not mixed up about things because she is new. Clearly, she doesn't see it as her job to sell popcorn for the PTA or collect money for the photographer. Consequences for the students be damned.

allysther said...

She's been there for 20 years. I'd say she is probably burnt out. I also think she is probably really lonely. I've heard that she gets to school before 7 (the day begins at 8) and that she frequently stays there until 7 or 8 at night.

I don't understand, and I do not see it as dedication to her job. I see it as isolation and resistance to change.