Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I realized that I had not posted a photo for Halloween. This is Wendall and Daniel at the beginning of their evening.

I picked Daniel up at his house, and we spent two precious hours (on base) running from one door to the next. Halloween is just staring to be popular in Germany, so being on base was the best chance of candy instead of strange looks.

On the way to trick or treating, Daniel said "I am a Spinne (spider) and you are a Soldat (soldier)." Daniel lives in a bilingual home, so he often mixes English and German together. It makes it so much easier to talk to Wendall! This time Wendall had trouble with the translation. He replied "No, I am a soldier!" Daniel insisted that he was a Soldat. This went back and forth for a few minutes until I cold stop laughing long enough to tell Wendall that he was indeed a Soldat.

Wendall and Daniel are a strange pair. They get along very well, until they don't. They bicker constantly, and Daniel's mother has started comparing them to the old guys in the balcony on The Muppet Show. I can really only agree! Posted by Picasa

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