Monday, May 30, 2005

Lantern Lighting

Tonight is the Lantern Lighting ceremony in Ala Moana. It was one of my favorite events downtown, and I am sorry that I will not see it again. I was never able to get a great shot of the event, but I can explain it.

The people you see in the canoe are placing biodegradeable lanterns into the water. These lanterns hold the names of people who have died, along with the prayers of the people still on land. The people standing on shore are the ones who have supplied the names, and are watching the ceremony as the lanterns float away with their prayers. It is a Buddist ceremony, but is open to all who care to join. I managed to see it three times, and each time I was left with a sense of peace and of community. This year I think we will head down to the pond and toss a few wildflowers into the water to commemorate the passing of so many loved ones.  Posted by Hello

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